If you thought you could calculate accurately the depth of field of your photographs just by using your pocket calculator and the hyperfocal distance, think twice.
The entire program’s functionality fits in the program’s compact main interface. Here you will find both the parameters you need to define to perform the calculations and the resulting values. Photo Calculator supports a wide range of film formats from well-known professional camera makes and models, such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus’ four thirds lenses, Leica, Casio, and even Hasselblad’s 44x33 mm film format. Once you’ve selected the one you’ll be using, you’ll be asked for the resolution, which ranges from 3 to 6 line pairs per millimeter. You can then calculate the circle of confusion manually or let Douglas Photo Calculator to do the math for you (recommended) based on the previous resolution and the film format values you entered. Next are the aperture and distance values – the former can only be selected once you’re registered your copy of the program for a ridiculously low amount of money, while the latter can either be entered manually or calculated using the hyperfocal distance.
Once you’ve entered all the values, Photo Calculator will provide you with accurate measurements for the near focus, the far focus, the total depth, and the image width and height that fit your requirements. You can go back to the initial window at any time (new to this version) and change the default language, film format, measurement unit, and resolution value before performing a new calculation. The program doesn’t give you the option to save a set of values for future use, which might help when performing new calculations based on settings that you use often.
Be it as it may, Douglas Photo Calculator is an invaluable aid for any professional (and many amateur) photographers and cinematographers. It produces precise results in just a few simple clicks, and its version for Android and iOS will let you carry it with you wherever your work or your passion takes you.
- Support for film formats from many professional camera makes
- Accurate depth of field values
- Automatic calculation of the circle of confusion
- Precise hyperfocal distance values
- No option to save profiles or settings for future use